Monday, July 9, 2012

Vintage Style Animations

I’ve always had a love for vintage-style ani­ma­tions.  Especially Mary Blair's art for Disney.  It's so beautiful!
If you have a love for animation don't miss the Frac­tured Fairy Tales Exhibit.  Frac­tured Fairy Tales is an exhi­bi­tion that fea­tures 32 illus­tra­tors and ani­ma­tors reimag­in­ing the char­ac­ters and worlds of fairy tales. These sto­ries were orig­i­nally dark, cau­tion­ary tales even­tu­ally rein­vented and brought to life through ani­ma­tion, which is how we prob­a­bly think of them today. In this show, each artists adds their own twist and inter­pre­ta­tion to a spe­cific tale, and you can see that some are clearly influ­enced by illus­tra­tive styles of the past.


  1. LOVE this post! LOVE her artwork!!! Have you read the children's Little Golden book she did called "I Can Fly?" Superb! Love your Paperworkshop blog!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am looking forward to reading "I Can Fly"! Pamela
